A relational database with tables appropriately structured for the data you need to manage.
Forms for data input, database navigation, and report navigation, designed to be user-friendly.
Reports designed to convey the information you need, clearly and concisely. Reports can vary from simple rosters to forms your company already uses, and can be built within Access, or with Crystal Reports.
After paying for the database, you will have all the source programming code - the database is yours. You are not required to come back to us for any future development.
All new database projects are supported for six full months. Of course, our full intention is provide you with a product that exceeds your expectations, but we include this support just in case we run afoul of Murphy's Law. (This does not include migrating to another operating system or "upsizing", or making changes outside the scope of the original agreement.)
An experienced developer (see these screenshots for an idea).
Reasonable rates (important to your bottom line).
Honesty, professionalism, quality, dependability, and customer satisfaction.
We cannot guarantee databases that run more than 15 concurrent users, run over a wide area network (for example, VPN), or any wireless network.
We won't charge you for our fixing our mistakes.
We won't over-exaggerate the difficulty of the project.
We won't try to cheat you or short-change you in any way.